Community Forum to Address Substance Abuse

Parents and guardians, middle school and high school students, community members, and professionals who work with families are invited to attend the “Protecting Against the Realities of Substance Abuse” program Jan. 4, at 7:50 p.m. at George Mason High School Library, 7124 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church.

The forum is being presented by Parents Reaching Out To Educate Communities Together (P.R.O.T.E.C.T.).

P.R.O.T.E.C.T., a task force of the Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County (UPC), aims to inform the community about the signs and symptoms of teenage drug abuse, what actions parents can take, and where to find supportive resources.

The forum is co-sponsored by the City of Falls Church Alliance for Youth, School Health Advisory Board, George Mason High School PTSA, Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School PTA, and City of Falls Church Human Services Advisory Council

For more information about PROTECT, contact Jennifer Lewis-Cooper at or 703-966-8304, or

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