Letters to the Editor: Concerned New School Facilities Will Be Lacking


Letters to the Editor: November 15 – 21, 2018


Concerned New School Facilities Will Be Lacking


The Village Preservation and Improvement Society Board Members have participated in the public processes for the development of the new George Mason High School and are now concerned.

From the start, the issue of community amenities and community access have been important aspects of the new development and a commitment prior to the bond referendum. However, now it appears that the auditorium, an important facility for community use, is being scaled back to be smaller and less functional than the existing one. We view this community amenity and the programs for the creative arts to be equally important as the other commitments that are being satisfied. For a $120 million new school, we expect that the commitments for a fully functional auditorium will be fulfilled.

Peter Adriance

Vice President, VPIS Board of Directors


Why Doesn’t Virginia Help Local Startups Instead of Amazon?


If the recent Amazon deal goes through as written, Virginia taxpayers will hand over $573 million to one company in exchange for 25,000 jobs. This comes out to Virginians paying over $20,000 in public funds per job. Here’s an alternative deal: why don’t we simply endow 25,000 Virginia entrepreneurs with $20,000 in startup capital to launch local businesses, startups, non-profits and worker cooperatives?

A state economy based in local entrepreneurship and community business is more resilient, flexible, and civic-minded than an economy reliant on the whims of an untrustworthy monopolist. Such a plan would cost the same amount as subsidizing Amazon, but would leave our communities much more vibrant, equitable, and empowered.

Pete Davis

Falls Church


Thank You for Outstanding Article On Darrell General


We love the local press! Thank you for Matt Delaney’s outstanding and very moving reporting on Darrell General, the Cross Country Coach for George C. Marshall High School in Falls Church (“Coach’s Humble Heroics Has Him in Running for $25,000,” Nov. 1, 2018.)

He is one of only five finalists in a nation-wide “Hometown Heroes” competition and we’re pulling out all the stops to see him win it, both to show our thanks and because the award would have a significant impact on the life of a coach whose “day job” is school custodian. We supporters hope he can win the online vote and want all to know it’s easy to help him win (no login, no registration, vote as much as you can.) Friends will find it emotionally uplifting to view the video that tells the story of our “Coach G” and all the ways he encourages a work ethic, self-discipline and integrity at George C. Marshall. You’ll see why he’s a role model with importance within the Marine Corps Marathon and “running community” and well beyond. Voting for him is a nice way to cheer his taking GCM’s XC to the State Championship this week, also.

Families who want to help our Darrrell General win this honor can vote at tinyurl.com/VoteCoachGWinner.

Thank you again for celebrating our Hometown Hero, XC Coach Darrell General.

Robin Haight



In Memory of Brown’s Hardware’s Hugh Brown


We didn’t really go to Brown’s Hardware because we needed

lint strainers for our washing machine water hoses;

or City of Falls Church stickers for our leaf recycling bags,

or even for those 40-pounds sacks of bird seed.

We went to see Mr. Brown.

We went hoping that he might appear

from the very back room,

so tall and lean and always moving forward,

like a walking wish waiting to be granted.

Seeing Mr. Brown somehow made us know

the day was going to be better;

the leaky faucet would stop dripping

and the squeaky screen door

would go silent.

Seeing Mr. Brown somehow made us know

there is good in his bins of nails

and tins of wing nuts;

and not one thing in the world couldn’t be fixed

by his smile.

Bruce Horovitz

Falls Church


President Has Empowered Hateful, Bigoted People


I just read your column “The Enemy of Trump is the Power of Virtue.” It was so well written and so true (and sad).

I’m 62 years old, I remember segregation. This President of the United States has empowered hateful, bigoted people to show their ugly heads. It’s scary.

Thank you. I wish more people were speaking out in such an eloquent manner.

Darlene Havener

Falls Church


Letters to the Editor may be submitted to letters@www.fcnp.com or via our online form here. Letters should be limited to 350 words and may be edited for content, clarity and length. To view the FCNP’s letter and submission policy, please click here.

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